Crewing Online 2.0.5
Looking for your next assignment onboard? Your nextopportunitymight just be with us at Crewing Online. Through theapp, seafarerscan find their next appointment from an extensivelisting ofavailable jobs at their convenience. Apart from being aneffectivejob search engine, Crewing Online app is also a meltingpot oflatest maritime developments for all professionals toremainupdated on the industry. Additionally both shipowners andseafarerscan converge and exchange information on the social space.KeyFeatures for Seafarers: - Search through hundreds of availablejobsto find the best fits based on skills and expertise -Filtervacancies by desired position or company - Manage yourappliedvacancies - Get in touch with employers - Handleinterviewinvitations from companies and shipowners - Send yourdirectly tocompanies' email - Adjust your date of availability anddesiredremuneration - Connect with your fellow seafarers withinstantmessaging - Follow hot topics, location tag and newsfeed
Marine Online 3.2.0
Marine Online is an online platform that offersseamlesstransactions to maritime professionals for a wide range ofmaritimeproducts and services anytime and anywhere. Leveraging onBig Dataand Artificial Intelligence, its web + app features provideuserswith a convenient, secure and fast online access ofmaritimeproducts and services. With Marine Credit, shipowners cannowleverage on a single credit line across the supply chain,improvingcash flow and drives digital adaptation in the maritimeindustry.Additionally, they can also utilise the free toolsnamelyVessel/Port Search, TCE/Distance Voyage Estimation, PortCostComputation and Vessel Valuator. Key Services: •Chartering:Matching of cargo and vessels at zero commission. • PortAgency:Work with authorised agents from over 700 ports globally. •ShipSupply: Procure from over 40,000 product variants atcompetitivepricing. • Bunkering: Real-time fuel price, receivequotation frommore than 300 ports globally. • Crewing: Recruitseafarers fromover 100,000 candidates with various expertise andnationality. •Ship Sales & Purchase: Source for suitablevessels in ourcomprehensive listing of ships for your businessneeds. •Insurance: Comprehensive vessel and cargo coverage withonlineclaims and settlement services. • Marine Services:Providesemergency, maintenance, inspection, and technical services.FreeMarine Tools: • Vessel/Port Search: Search for vessels’real-timepositions and port information globally. • TCE/DistanceVoyageEstimation: Calculate and estimate the costs of your voyagefromport to port. • Port Cost Computation: Calculate and gettheestimated port disbursements of the port which your vessels willbecalling. • Vessel Valuator: Provides instant, data-drivenshipvaluations and market insights for vessels.